Suggestions for Choosing a Duct Cleaning Service Provider

To find companies that provide duct cleaning services, check your Yellow Pages under "duct cleaning". Talk to at least three different service providers and get written estimates before deciding whether to have your ducts cleaned. When the service providers come to your home, ask them to show you the contamination that would justify having your ducts cleaned.

• Do not hire duct cleaners who make sweeping claims about the health benefits of duct cleaning -- such claims are unsubstantiated.
• Do not hire duct cleaners who recommend duct cleaning as a routine part of your heating and cooling system maintenance.
• Do not allow the use of chemical biocides or sealants unless you fully understand the pros and the cons.
• Check references to be sure other customers were satisfied and did not experience any problems with their heating and cooling system after cleaning.
• Contact your local consumer affairs or local Better Business Bureau to determine if complaints have been lodged against any of the companies you are considering.
• Interview potential service providers to ensure:
-they are experienced in duct cleaning and have worked on systems like yours;
-they will use procedures to protect you, your pets, and your home from contamination; and
-they comply with air duct cleaning standards and, if your ducts are constructed of fiberglass duct board or insulated internally with fiberglass duct liner, with the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association's (NAIMA) recommendations.

•If the service provider charges by the hour, request an estimate of the number of hours or days the job will take, and find out whether there will be interruptions in the work. Make sure the duct cleaner you choose will provide a wirtten agreement outlining the total cost and scope of the job before work begins.

    How to Determine if the Duct Cleaner Did A Thorough Job

    A thorough visual inspection is the best way to verify the cleanliness of your heating and cooling system. Some service providers use remote photography to document conditions inside ducts. All portions of the system should be visibly clean; you should not be able to detect any debris with the naked eye. After completing the job, ask the service provider to show you each component of your system to verify that the job was performed satisfactorily.

    To prevent ducts from becoming wet:

    Moisture should not be present in ducts. Controlling moisture is the most effective way to prevent biological growth in air ducts. Moisture can enter the duct system through leaks or if the system has been improperly installed or serviced. Research suggests that condensation (which occurs when a surface temperature is lower than the dew point temperature of the surrounding air) on or near cooling coils of air conditioning units is a major factor in moisture contamination of the system. The presence of condensation or high relative humidity is an important indicator of the potential for mold growth on any type of duct. Controlling moisture can often be difficult, but here are some steps you can take:

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    • Promptly and properly repair any leaks or water damage.
    • Pay particular attention to cooling coils, which are designed to remove water from the air and can be a major source of moisture contamination of the system that can lead to mold growth. Make sure the condensate pan drains properly. The presence of substantial standing water and/or debris indicates a problem requiring immediate attention. Check any insulation near cooling coils for wet spots.
    • Make sure ducts are properly sealed and insulated in all non airconditioned spaces (e.g., attics and crawl spaces). This will help to prevent moisture due to condensation from entering the system and is important to make the system work as intended. To prevent water condensation, the heating and cooling system must be properly insulated.

    Information about Chemical Biocides For Your Air Ducts

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